Chasing Shadows (2019) to be screened at the RAI Film Festival
Chasing Shadows (2019) will be screened at the RAI Film Festival. This film by Roger Canals is based on the research conducted by Ramon Sarró and Marina Temudo in the Kyanyang prophetic movement in Guinea-Bissau.
For those attending the Festival the Q&A will take place on Zoom Wednesday 24 March, 18.30-18.55 UTC.
Chasing Shadows from Jordi Orobitg Produccions on Vimeo.
“Chasing Shadows” offers an intimate portrait of the current practice of a prophetic movement in Guinea-Bissau called Kyangyang (the “Shadows”). The members of the movement, belonging to the Balanta ethnic group, communicate with their ancestors, who transmit messages from the high God, through prophetic writing, glossolalia, divination rituals, and spirit possession. The film explores its poetic and subversive world by giving voice to its members. It also tackles its often-conflictual relations with Catholicism, Evangelism and Islam.